2M Research (2M) is a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) certified, minority-owned research and advisory firm focused on providing objective and rigorous research, program evaluation, and policy analysis consulting services to federal, state, and local government agencies; commercial clients; and nonprofit organizations.

Dr. James Murdoch
Senior Mixed Methods Policy AnalystDr. James Murdoch is a senior mixed methods policy analyst at 2M Research. He is the project manager for the HDS Innovative Methodology project. His research contract work with HUD has focused on statistical analysis to develop evidence of fair housing violations, housing insecurity scale development, and investigation of factory-built housing as an affordable housing option. James obtained his Masters in Public Policy from the University of Chicago and his PhD in Urban Planning and Public Policy from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Dr. Hiren Nisar
Director of Analytics / Senior EconomistDr. Hiren Nisar is the Director of Analytics/Senior Economist at 2M Research. He is the principal investigator for the HDS Innovative Methodology project. He currently also leads the multidisciplinary research team (MDRT) contract for HUD. His research work has focused on several high-quality, short-turnaround mixed methods research using a variety of HUD and external data sources to answer research questions relating to HUD’s priority policies and strategic goals. Hiren obtained his Masters and PhD in Economics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Dr. Arpita Chakravorty
Senior EconomistDr. Arpita Chakravorty is a Senior Economist at 2M Research. She is an analyst for the HDS Innovative Methodology project. She has developed rent forecast models, conducted statistical analysis to develop a housing insecurity index and metrics on identifying the exposure of homes to flood hazard risk for HUD research contracts. Arpita obtained her Masters and PhD in Economics from the University of Houston.

Dr. Christopher Timmins
Professor of Economics - Duke UniversityDr. Christopher Timmins is a Professor of Economics at Duke University. His research focuses on the intersection of housing markets, race and exposure to environmental harms. His recent research includes several publications analyzing the prevalence and impact of housing discrimination, including an analysis of the most recent HUD HDS. Chris received his PhD in Economics from Stanford University.

Dr. Peter Christensen
Associate Professor - University of IllinoisDr. Peter Christensen is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. As an applied microeconomist, he studies urban, energy/environmental, public economics. Peter seeks to understand how public policy and technological interventions can be used to increase social mobility and equity. His work in the housing market includes advanced methods for studying discrimination, racial price differentials and revealed preferences for public goods. He received his PhD in environmental and resource economics from Yale University.